Single extension of an element.
Inheritances 🔗
Properties 🔗
- semanticId: Optional[Reference] 🔗
(From HasSemantics)Identifier of the semantic definition of the element. It is called semantic ID of the element or also main semantic ID of the element.It is recommended to use a global reference.
- supplementalSemanticIds: Optional[List[Reference]] 🔗
(From HasSemantics)Identifier of a supplemental semantic definition of the element. It is called supplemental semantic ID of the element.It is recommended to use a global reference.
- name: NonEmptyString 🔗
Name of the extension.
- Constraint AASd-077🔗
- The name of an extension within HasExtensions needs to be unique.
- valueType: Optional[DataTypeDefXsd] 🔗
Type of the value of the extension.Default: DataTypeDefXsd.String
- value: Optional[ValueDataType] 🔗
Value of the extension
- refersTo: Optional[Reference] 🔗
Reference to an element the extension refers to.
Invariants 🔗
Supplemental semantic IDs must be either not set or have at least one item
(From HasSemantics)
not (self.supplementalSemanticIds is not None) or (len(self.supplementalSemanticIds) >= 1)
Constraint AASd-118: If there are supplemental semantic IDs defined then there shall be also a main semantic ID.
(From HasSemantics)
not (self.supplementalSemanticIds is not None) or (self.semanticId is not None)
The value must match the value type.
not (self.value is not None) or ValueConsistentWithXsdType( self.value, self.ValueTypeOrDefault() )