
Administrative meta-information for an element like version information.
Constraint AASd-005🔗
If AdministrativeInformation.version is not specified then also AdministrativeInformation.revision shall be unspecified. This means, a revision requires a version. If there is no version there is no revision neither. Revision is optional.

Inheritances 🔗

Properties 🔗

embeddedDataSpecifications: Optional[List[EmbeddedDataSpecification]] 🔗
Embedded data specification.
version: Optional[VersionType] 🔗
Version of the element.
revision: Optional[RevisionType] 🔗
Revision of the element.
creator: Optional[Reference] 🔗
The subject ID of the subject responsible for making the element.
templateId: Optional[Identifier] 🔗
Identifier of the template that guided the creation of the element.
In case of a submodel the AdministrativeInformation.templateId is the identifier of the submodel template ID that guided the creation of the submodel
The AdministrativeInformation.templateId is not relevant for validation in Submodels. For validation the Submodel.semanticId shall be used.
Usage of AdministrativeInformation.templateId is not restricted to submodel instances. So also the creation of submodel templates can be guided by another submodel template.

Invariants 🔗

  • Embedded data specifications must be either not set or have at least one item.
    (From HasDataSpecification)
    not (self.embeddedDataSpecifications is not None)
    or (len(self.embeddedDataSpecifications) >= 1)
  • Constraint AASd-005: If version is not specified then also revision shall be unspecified. This means, a revision requires a version. If there is no version there is no revision either. Revision is optional.
    not (self.revision is not None)
    or (self.version is not None)


Identifiable Identifiable.administration
AssetAdministrationShell AssetAdministrationShell.administration
Submodel Submodel.administration
ConceptDescription ConceptDescription.administration