
Defines the necessary information of an event instance sent out or received.
This element is experimental and therefore may be subject to change or may be removed completely in future versions of the meta-model.

Properties 🔗

source: Reference 🔗
Reference to the source event element, including identification of AssetAdministrationShell, Submodel, SubmodelElement's.
sourceSemanticId: Optional[Reference] 🔗
HasSemantics.semanticId of the source event element, if available
It is recommended to use a global reference.
observableReference: Reference 🔗
Reference to the referable, which defines the scope of the event.
observableSemanticId: Optional[Reference] 🔗
HasSemantics.semanticId of the referable which defines the scope of the event, if available.
It is recommended to use a global reference.
topic: Optional[MessageTopicType] 🔗
Information for the outer message infrastructure for scheduling the event to the respective communication channel.
subjectId: Optional[Reference] 🔗
Subject, who/which initiated the creation.
This is an external reference.
timeStamp: DateTimeUtc 🔗
Timestamp in UTC, when this event was triggered.
payload: Optional[BlobType] 🔗
Event specific payload.

Invariants 🔗